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Flying Bull

Climate Focus Day – 04/03/15

Today the pupils of Flying Bull have been learning about our planet and how climate change is affecting our lives. They have been asked to consider what they can do to help ensure a prosperous future for planet Earth.


Our Nursery and Reception classes have been learning about the four seasons and how they impact our environment.

Year 1 and 2 have been learning about clouds and atmospheric pressure.

Year 3 looked at pollution and undertook a traffic survey!

Year 4 worked in teams to create green screen videos on the polar ice caps. You can view a few examples below.

Year 5 focussed on flooding and how they can design and build structures that will survive a flood.

Year 6 worked with our guest STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) ambassadors to learn how to harness the power of wind by creating their own turbines.


Below you can view a slideshow of the activities taking place!

