The LaPS team
Introducing our Learning and Pastoral Support (LaPS) Team
Mrs B Davies our Team Leader.
Mrs Aris our Home Family Link Worker
Our Learning Mentors are:
- Mr Dale
- Mr Povey
Our LaPS Team is made up of Learning Mentors and a Home Family Link Worker. Our LaPS Team:
- are an experienced, friendly and approachable team of individuals who support our children across the school
- support our children with their learning in class, providing interventions where necessary
- provide support for loss and bereavement
- support our children with their emotions
- work in partnership with our families
- signpost other agencies that may be able to help our children
Mrs Davies is Team Leader for the LaPS Team. Mrs Davies works closely with outside agencies with regard to loss and bereavement and families that have Social Care Interventions. She is always available, as are the rest of the team, for any other issues you may have.
Mr Dale and Mr Povey are our Learning Mentors. In their role, they provide:
- a wide level support with learning – in class and out of class
- support for our children to develop positive behaviours
- development of some children’s emotional needs through group and 1-1 work
- target cards where necessary with positive reward time
- strategies for teachers and support staff
- Team Teach (positive handling – 95% verbal) training and guidance
- Mr Povey also works with our successful football teams
Mrs Aris is our Family Link Worker. In her role, Mrs Aris provides:
- support for families which is ‘time and need led’ by the family
- parent/carer support e.g. behaviour management, routines etc.
- support at meetings and appointments
- PPP sessions – interested? Ask for more information.
- a base for distribution of Food Bank vouchers to those meeting the criteria
- SAFs
- good links with other agencies and signpost others to necessary agencies
Mrs Davies:
Mrs Aris:
Mr Dale:
Mr Povey: